Finding the Right Agency: A Fresh Take on Networking

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Words: Oliver Dyer. Illustration: Alix Bigois-Jeambrun. Skew Studio.
TLDR. Skew's one day masterclass is an unique opportunity for license professionals to engage with an expert agency and crack a particular brand challenge. ""

The Real Talk on Agency Hunting

Let's be honest: finding a new agency can be a real headache. Your budget's locked in, the project's success is non-negotiable, and your reputation is always on the line. And the worst part? There's no 'try before you buy' option.

Why We're Not Fans of Traditional Networking

Networking events? They might work for some, but let's face it – most creative folks find them more of a chore than a benefit. They often feel artificial, more suited to sales teams than to those of us looking for genuine creative collaborations.

Meet 'Skew Haul' – Our Take on Networking

So, what's the alternative? We came up with 'Skew Haul', our own spin on a networking event, tailored for people who typically avoid them like the plague.

Breaking Down Skew Haul

Here's the gist of what makes Skew Haul different:

  • Pre-event Consultation Call: We start with a personal touch, a one-to-one chat to talk through a real challenge you're facing.

  • A Curated Tour: Next, we take you on a curated journey through London's most inspiring retail spaces – think of it as a creative field trip.

  • Hands-On Learning: The day begins with an eye-opening trend presentation, followed by an interactive comparative shopping experience. It's all about gathering ideas and turning them into something useful.

  • Actionable Outcomes: By the end of the event, you'll walk away with new perspectives and practical skills to tackle your challenges.

What People Are Saying

Here’s some feedback we've received:

  • Insightful Start: “Loved the trend presentation – it was spot on and really useful.”

  • Balanced Day: “The day was busy but perfectly paced. Really engaging without being too much.”

  • Warm and Welcoming: “The Skew team was so friendly and helpful – felt like every question mattered.”

  • Valuable Experience: “Thanks for a great day – learnt a lot!”

The Mutual Benefits

And what does Skew get out of it?

  • New Faces: We meet fantastic people – hopefully, like you.

  • Our Approach, Your Pace: We show you how we work, but in a relaxed setting.

  • Learning Together: We get to understand the everyday challenges you face.

Conclusion: Networking, But Not as You Know It

So that's Skew Haul – our answer to networking for people who’d rather not network. It’s about connecting, sharing, and learning in a way that feels natural and fun.

Interested in a different kind of networking? Find out more about Spring Haul here or book you spot for the 18th January 2024 here.

Oliver D, Skew
Written by
Oliver Dyer
I make Fan Brands, connect brands to fans and make creative that fans of brands love. Some people call this 'Licensing', those people are wrong.

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